Death Certificate of John Larkin Mays

Standard Certificate Of Death

Place of Death: Caldwell County State: NC
Township: Yadkin Valley
Full Name: John Larkin Mays

Personal And Statisticial Particulars:

Sex: Male Color or Race: White Single, Married Widowed or Divorced: Married
Date of Birth: Jun 15 1843
Age: 83 0 Months 21 Days

General Nature of Industry: Farming
Birth Place: Caldwell CO, NC
Name of Father: Morgan Mays
Birthplace of Father: Unknown
Maiden Name of Mother: Nancy Day
Birthplace of Mother: Unknown

Informant: Lou Lewis
Address: Lenoir, NC
Filed: 7-9-1926
Regisrar: WW Turnmire

Medical  Certificate Of Death

Date of Death: July 8 1926
I hereby Certify, That I attended deceased from May 15, 1926 to July 8, 1926 that I last saw him alive on May 15, 1926 and that death occurred, on the date listed above at 8 AM.

The cause of death was as follows:
Vascular Heart Disease
6 Months

Signed: C.L. Wilson MD Address: Lenoir, NC

Place of Burial: Mays Cemetery Date of Burial: July 9 1926
Undertaker: LL Hawkins Address: Yadkin Valley, NC